IQAC and NAAC Steering Committee

Name Designation
Mr. Abdul Rasheed P Principal In Charge
Name Designation
Mr. MUNEEB VP Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce
NAAC Steering Committee i/c
Name Designation
Mr. FAISAL SHABAB P Asst. Prof., Dept. of English
Joint Coordinators
Name Designation
Mr. MUHAMMED SALIM U HoD, Dept. of English
Ms. SENEERA K K Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce
Name Designation
Mr. SUBHASH K HoD, Dept. of Commerce
Ms. NEETHU M HoD, Dept. of Computer Science
Mr. AMEERALI A K HoD, Dept. of JMC
Mr. NAMSHEER K K HoD, Dept. of Political Science
Mr. ABDUL HASEEB K P HoD, Dept. of Psychology
Ms. ABDUL ASEES K Asst. Prof., Dept. of Additional Language
Mr. SHIHABUDHEEN K Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce
Mr. ABDU RAOOF MUDUPURAM HoD, Dept. of Sociology
Mr. ABDUL RAFEEQUE T Office Superintendent